
Showing posts from June, 2016

The Right Way To Be A Multitasker

By Winterstein A.   Thought it will be lovely to share it. report this ad Some people have a very precise definition of who they are, and if it works for them, that’s great. I can see how comforting it can be to look at yourself in the mirror and say: “I am exactly the person I think I am.” The trouble for me is: I don’t find it comforting. I find it stifling. Don’t get me wrong, I have expectations of myself, others and the world. But I’ve never felt like I was a fixed concept. I change, and by that I don’t mean I change with time, I mean I change all the time. I get to choose who I want to be at every second, and that makes me feel free. The thing is, most productivity theories are meant for single-minded people. They tell us we should focus on one project, take it to the limit, then move on to the next one, hopefully in a perfect continuity. The productivity ideal seems to be: know exactly what’s coming next, and then become exactly that. But I don’t think that refle...

5 Essential Tips To Make Working Remotely Work For You

Working remotely has become a mainstream trend in the world of startups and corporate culture, but it doesn’t come without its difficulties. Leaving the stability and routine of commuting to the office can sound exciting at first, but it takes a certain person to remain productive without the normal structure. As a remote company at Rype , we’re constantly pushing the envelope on how we can be the most effective as a team while maintaining the culture we have. We’ve made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot of lessons from our experience, and I thought we would share it to help you on your own journey towards working remotely. 1. Keep a routine. The first thing that goes out the door when you start working remotely is a regular routine. Forget dressing up for work, catching the subway at 8 AM every morning, and leaving the office at 5. If you’re not careful, this lack of routine can lead to inefficiency and a lack of productivity. We advise putting together a regular...


18. $4.8 Million Car via Picking the most expensive car isn’t completely straightforward. There are plenty of antique cars sold at auctions for a shocking price tag, but this list is about  modern  luxury. This car isn’t going to sit inside a museum, it can actually be legally driven on the road. This car is the CCXR Trevita created by Koenigsegg. It is considered the first green supercar because of its ability to run on recyclable ethanol. The engine delivers an incredible 806 bhp, and when running on E85 Biofuel the power increases to 1018 bhp. But why in the world does it cost close to 5 million dollars? The answer is because of the Koenigsegg Proprietary Diamond Weave. Yes, the car is literally cover in diamonds. It would be an awful thing to scratch this beauty, so maybe it will just end up sitting in a museum. 17. $1.8 Million Champagne Via The thing about luxury items is that they are everyday t...

15 Of The Weirdest Houses You’ve Ever Seen

15. Spaceship House – Signal Mountain, TN, USA via: Driving up Signal Mountain in Tennessee, you might catch a glimpse of a very large spaceship parked atop the mountainside. At first glance, you may think that you’re observing a real-life alien takeover; especially since the bottom of the spaceship has large pillars that are long enough to park a car or two underneath, and a retractable door that appears as if an extra-terrestrial will emerge and abduct an unsuspecting victim. Quintessentially, it is an actual house that was designed to look exactly like a spacecraft, but it does not fly. You would expect the inside of this house to go along with the outside appearance, and be filled with modern-style space-y furniture; and that is almost exactly the type of décor in this home. The only thing missing would be the control room, but there really is no room for that. 14. Mushroom House – Cincinnati, OH, USA via: Professor T...



6 Ways To Wake Up Early Without Feeling Tired

Whenever the concept of sleep is discussed, there is common perception that we should rest for between six and eight hours every single night. While this is a long-standing belief, however, more recent studies have suggested that this is a generic assertion that has little foundation in fact. More specifically, the Surrey Sleep Research Centre in the UK are now claiming that it is the quality of sleep that important rather than the quantity. Moreover, the optimal amount of sleep will vary for each individual, with the average length of time between five and nine hours in total. 6 Ways to wake up early and not feel tired While this insight reveals many things, it particularly highlights the fact that it is possible to be an early riser regardless of the amount of sleep that you had the night before. So long as you enjoy a deep and restful sleep, you should be able to rise in the morning without feeling excessively tired or overly lethargic. There are also practical steps tha...


  Legendary Boxer Muhammad Ali Three-time heavyweight champ Muhammad Ali, who charmed millions with his wit and confidence in the ring and inspired many more with his commitment to humanitarian causes died Friday, the family's spokesman said. He was 74. "After a 32-year battle with Parkinson’s disease, Muhammad Ali has passed away at the age of 74. The three-time World Heavyweight Champion boxer died this evening,” said family spokesperson Bob Gunnell. Ali was pronounced dead at 9:10 p.m. MT on Friday from "septic shock due to unspecified natural causes," Gunnell said on Saturday. His body was set to be returned to his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky, within the next 48 hours. Ali's family will hold a private funeral service in Louisville, on Thursday, Gunnell said, with a public memorial service scheduled for 2 p.m. ET the following day. Former President Bill Clinton, sportscaster Bryant Gumbel and actor Billy Crystal were all set eulogize the late...

5 Finance Books From Warren Buffett’s Bookshelf

If you’re into investing, you know how successful Warren Buffett is. The investing genius is now worth an estimated $65 billion, and his Berkshire Hathaway is an international conglomeration with investments in nearly any industry you can think of. A Buffett investment can send shocks running throughout the investing world, which can be demonstrated by Berkshire Hathaway’s surprising decision to invest in Apple Inc . How has Buffett come so far? Some of it is just a knack for business which he has shown since he was a young boy. But a huge part of Buffet’s success is his voracious appetite for books. When a student asked Buffett how he could prepare for an investing career, Buffet told him to read 500 pages every day. Some of it is the standard stock information, but much of Buffet’s reading has taken the form of financial and investing books. A total Buffet book list could last for pages, but here are five books which have played a key role in Buffet’s life and what an ordinary inv...

Official says Prince died of opioid overdose

The 57-year-old singer was found dead April 21 at his Minneapolis-area estate. The official, who is close to the investigation, spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. The findings confirm suspicions that opioids played a role in the musician’s death. After he died, a law enforcement official told the AP that investigators were examining whether an overdose was to blame and whether a doctor had prescribed him drugs in the preceding weeks.

9 Characteristics Of Highly Desirable Women

The dictionaries define “Desirable” as “worth having or wanting; pleasant, excellent or fine.” Any man or woman who has dreamed of a future has probably created an image of what he or she would desire most in their partner. And most women have probably wished to be more desirable at some point. While the world keeps hankering over what exactly are the characteristics of highly desirable women, the truth is that we can only speculate. The definition will keep evolving. However, we can safely say that highly desirable women will likely have the following nine characteristics. 1. They don’t chase people Highly desirable women would rather chase their own awesomeness, because they know running after people is just a waste of time. They also know that it is a much better idea to become better versions of their own selves. The world will take notice when they progress in their own lives. They don’t have time for such chases because they are just too busy c...