10 Habits Of People Who Can Always Generate Great Ideas
You may have been around, or have read online about, those people who seem to be “idea factories,” churning out great new idea after great new idea. And then actually following through with those ideas. What propels these people forward? How do they come up with these great ideas? What do they do to keep themselves unaffected by harsh critics — both external and internal? It can seem like it takes no effort, but while there may be times where the ideas just seem to “come” to those people, it most often takes focus, determination, and commitment. There is not some magic formula, and “poof,” a great idea is just “born.” Ideas start from a spark, and that spark is recognized, acknowledged, and developed. A spark is not the idea, but is the kernel of truth from which the great idea springs forth. How does one “grow’ an idea then? Here are 10 habits of people who develop ideas and run with them. They Connect Some of the best inspiration comes from experience and relating ...