How do we take care of our problems???.
We have understood the causes or know or identify the causes..
Then lets work on them...

For instance, I have always been a planner not a doer...

Always planning,coming up with new ideas and never putting them in writing nor doing them...
It has kept me behind, Well I thank God for his abundant blessings that He has given me that He kept me going and now He has helped me realize my mistakes and slowly but steady we are working on them...
What are my mistakes?? (some are in past, some till now)

1/ I am not a risk taker
2/ I fear too much
3/ I was not writing my ideas or views down, just leaving it in the head...
4/  I care about what others think, though am truly a loner dis minder... I wonder how that happened...
5/ I am not good in exploring my options
6/ I am lazy... U don't wanna see me on my Sundays... ( but I go to church most of the times, It is what happens after that that always makes it lazy Sunday)

The list never ends....

But what did I do about it or what am I doing about it??
This is what matters , Yes you have known your problems but what do you do next??
Do you sit on them??
Do you solve them? And how do you do that??
Do you ever talk about it with someone or ask advise about it?? Or you are a one man army???
Do you pray about it???

What do you ever pray mostly about???

This is a list of questions that at least one has to have a answer on,one of them...
But which one do you do???
Is it working for you??? Towards making you a better person???
Are u getting better?? Or Are u getting worse??
What did I do or what am I doing now???

Well I pray a lot, this is the best remedy... God works in,ways that you cannot see and imagine... He is able and mighty... He gives miracles, makes what we humans think are impossible. Possible... He may not answer you now but in time you will get you results.... That is how he works.. If you don't get it now have patience cause maybe  God is working something better for you cause He knows you deserve more than what you are asking for...
No method is ever more powerful than this..
Give it a try whether you are a believer or not , then please don't hesitate to share your testimony with us...
The Holy spirit is everywhere ( Even in the bathroom,mind you... Behave in there) so just say the word and it will be given to you.{ Mathew 7:7}
But you have to work on it too... You reap what you saw, remember...

So lets start on how we gonna work it...

1) Start writing down you ideas, views and what you learn... My Gs teacher told us "We see, We write, We remember" 
Our ancestors used to say " A pen is more powerful than a sword" or 'wealth without books disappears  without a trace'
Why would you want your wealth to disappear without a trace??
Keep it, it is yours... Use it, you earned it... Write it down.. U will have it, if u need to , u will use it... And It will be there for you....

2/ Talk about it...
Some people can handle it on,their own.. Some can't and they keep getting thinner by the day blaming it on diet or studies...
Talk about it... Y do u think God created Eva... Adam,needed an,assistant... Humans need to assist one another... Your parent,friend, neighbor, classmate,roommate, psychiatrist,doctor,pastor, ustadh, anyone....  { Don't give them your ideas, just on what is bothering/hindering you}
It will work out..

Lets meet again the next time


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