20 Reasons You Will Never Be Productive
Chances are you’ve found yourself behind on your deadlines,
procrastinating in your work, or just failing to get much accomplished
during your day. If you’re anything like me, the desire to be productive
is not just a good idea, it’s an absolute necessity. Unfortunately,
unless you’re taking deliberate steps to increase your output, you may
be sabotaging your own ability to accomplish your goals. Here are twenty
reasons why you may be spinning your wheels in the productivity

Have you ever noticed that the people who seem to get the most accomplished always seem to be in a hurry to get things done? I learned this lesson from Jim Rohn, who said, “Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.” No sense of urgency to get something done right now? No problem. Just don’t expect to have a greater desire to do it later.
7. You don’t surround yourself with productive people
Jim Rohn has a great metric for assessing your immediate potential.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
If you’re struggling with productivity, so are the people around you,
and you know what they say about birds of a feather flocking together.
When you’re serious about upping your productive-game, you’ll find those
people that will support you and keep you accountable. Until then, just
take a look at your surroundings and you’ll know what to expect from
1. You fail to develop productive habits
In the April 2014 edition of Success Magazine, editor Daren Hardy confesses that some of the most productive people are actually lazy. He attributes their ultimate success to their ability to develop and maintain disciplines, routines, and habits that help them accomplish their desired goals. If your daily routines fail to go beyond waking up and brushing your teeth, chances are you’ll never reach your productivity potential.2. You have no sense of urgency

Have you ever noticed that the people who seem to get the most accomplished always seem to be in a hurry to get things done? I learned this lesson from Jim Rohn, who said, “Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.” No sense of urgency to get something done right now? No problem. Just don’t expect to have a greater desire to do it later.
3. You relish procrastination
Speaking of procrastination, this one almost goes without saying. Believe it or not, procrastination itself is not necessarily detrimental. The problem comes when procrastination becomes the expected outcome and, as such, the goal. People who enjoy procrastination more than the satisfaction of an otherwise completed task will not seek to be productive and, hence, never will be.4. You don’t have a big enough “Why”
Simon Sinek, in his bestselling book Start With Why, proposes that if you don’t have a big why–a big enough reason to inspire you to action–you’re essentially at risk of just going through the motions. No risk of productivity there.5. You’re too comfortable
My good friend and motivational coach Eric Thomas tells the story of a young man who asked a guru how to be great. The guru led the young man to a body of water and held the young man’s head under for a significant period of time. “What did you want more than anything when your head was under the water?” “Only to breathe,” answered the young man. The guru replied, “When you want to succeed as badly as you wanted to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” The same principle applies when accomplishing any task. Unless accomplishing that task is as important to you as breathing air when you’re drowning, you’re liable to suffocate in a sea of excuses where productivity is sure to die.6. You think that productivity has to do with inborn talents, gifts, intelligence, or resources
Contrary to popular belief, leaders are not only born, but can, in fact, be made. While these inborn gifts can obviously help in the productivity department, there are tons of templates, tools and apps for those of us that weren’t born with a productivity spoon in our mouths.
7. You don’t surround yourself with productive people

Jim Rohn has a great metric for assessing your immediate potential.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
If you’re struggling with productivity, so are the people around you,
and you know what they say about birds of a feather flocking together.
When you’re serious about upping your productive-game, you’ll find those
people that will support you and keep you accountable. Until then, just
take a look at your surroundings and you’ll know what to expect from
yourself.8. You don’t have strong enough goals
“A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.” Joe VitaleOf course you know that a goal is a desired result or outcome, but unless you subscribe to Joe Vitale’s philosophy of what a goal should do for you, it’s possible that you’re not getting the most out of your aspirations. When you give yourself big goals to work towards, you gain several advantages that not only propel you towards the goals themselves, but help you to be more effective in the process.
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