10. Samuel L. Jackson – Would Never Kiss A Man
is famous for a lot of roles, including Mace Windu, Nick Fury, and
Valentine. He’s been in more movies than I can name off the top of my
head, and that’s saying a lot. During an interview with
Playboy several
years ago, Jackson stated that he would never dress up as a woman or
kiss another man. Despite his support for gay rights, he doesn’t want to
play the role of a gay man.
9. Chuck Norris – Anti-Gay Rights Activist
The king of all awesomeness as well as the reason for some of the best jokes on the planet. Everybody knows who
Chuck Norris
is, and if you don’t, where have you been the past 15 years? About a
year ago, when asked about the topic of gay marriage, Norris stated that
marriage is a sacred union between one man and one woman. He supports
the anti-gay movement and even vocally spoke against students partaking
in the LGBT Day of Silence. He’s got some gumption to be able to do
that. Lord knows he won’t be playing any gay roles.
8. Paris Hilton – Homophobic Rant
Here’s a name we all know. A little over two years ago,
Paris Hilton
was severely attacked for having, what the media called, a “homophobic
rant”. She has been under heavy fire since then. I do believe that she
is too popular to be ultimately hurt by it, but it does hurt her image a
bit (in the eyes of the fans, that is). After that, it is highly
unlikely that she will be playing a gay character anytime soon if what
she said is true. Besides, when appearing in films or TV, she usually
plays herself anyways.
7. Kirk Cameron – Born-Again Christian
This comes as no surprise. Cameron has appeared in a number of Christian films such as
Fireproof and
Left Behind. He
is also more than just an actor – he is also an active evangelist,
partnering with juggernauts like Ray Comfort. He portrays himself as a
born-again Christian, and as such, has directly spoken against
homosexuality, believing it to be a sin that will separate you from God.
You don’t need to ask him whether he’ll play a gay character or not;
anybody who believes the way he does isn’t going to.
6. Brendan Fehr – Says It’s Not Worth It
Fehr is an interesting case. He actually played a gay character on NBC’s
The Night Shift. What
has caused problems is that it resulted in some heavy conflict for him,
and hurt his career more than enhance it. He even went as far to say
that the risks more than outweighed the rewards for playing such a role.
He definitely stepped out of his comfort zone, but he most likely won’t
be playing any more characters like that if all it’s going to do is
hurt his career in the long run.
5. Luke Grimes – Quit True Blood Role
Luke Grimes is a beloved actor, playing a vampire on the HBO series,
True Blood. Strangely
enough, he just quit before the final season began airing. Originally,
he stated that it was because of a “scheduling conflict”, but the truth
was outed eventually. The show’s creator wanted Grimes’s character to
turn gay, but Grimes refused to play a gay role. Since then, the actor
has faced serious backlash by all forms of media, but that hasn’t
stopped him from battening down the hatches and standing by his
4. Emraan Hashmi – Gay Role Will Hurt Image, He Says
I’ve found that there was a long list of Bollywood actors that refuse
to play gay roles, so I figured I would have to mention at least one.
The Indian actor is well-known for his parts in Hindi language films,
something I would love to watch if I knew what they were saying. He was
liked so much that he was offered the role of a homosexual serial
killer, but he ended up denying it. Not for religious or activist
reasons. He simply believed that it would’ve been too drastic of a
change for his fans and that it wouldn’t do them any good for him to
change his image.
3. The Robertson Family – Against Homosexuality
While not necessarily actors by trade, the Robertson family has
starred and appeared in enough TV and film to earn a spot here. Anyone
who recognizes their name will immediately think of the show
Duck Dynasty, as well as doing cameos for movies like
God’s Not Dead. Recently their show suffered a lot of fire due to
Phil Robertson‘s
stand against homosexuality. However, the clan has still remained
adamant. And while it may result in them not doing much more acting,
they’re still happy doing what they do. Besides, that duck call is still
2. Chris Engen – Left Soap Opera Over His Beliefs
via theyoungandrestless.wikia.com
Mostly known for his role as Adam Wilson on the soap opera
Young and Restless, he
was pretty good, having been there for quite some time. Unfortunately,
it was revealed that he is set to be replaced by a different actor after
storming off the set. Why you may ask? He was asked to kiss his co-star
as a turn of sexuality for his character. Engen didn’t like that “dark”
change for his role, and is no longer a part of the show. While that
will definitely hurt his career in the long run, he’s got some guts
sticking by his beliefs like that
1. Kevin Hart – Says He Wouldn’t Make A Good Gay Person
The well-loved actor/comedian has been known for some hilarious roles in
Ride Along, Grudge Match, Get Hard, and a long list of others. During an interview for one of his movies,
Hart revealed that he turned down a gay role in
Tropic Thunder. When
asked further about whether he would play a character or not, Hart said
no, due to his insecurities about playing a gay character. He supports
gay rights and considers himself to be politically correct, but he
doesn’t think he could do a homosexual part any justice.
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