A Letter To My Lover Without The Phrase “I Love You”

To My Love,
I have made of you a habit, my dear. A habit formed with words. I said those three words at first, when our relationship was almost old and nearly new, because that first time was the magical time that made it all come true for me. And time and time after that first magical moment, I repeated those little words- like an echoing mantra through the temple of my heart.I did it out of an earnest intent, because love is often vocal, but I forgot that actions are equally important…
Instead of just three words, I will always be here. When troubles come and you feel alone, I will always be by your side. Nothing can withstand the force when two hearts like ours collide. We are a fearless army of two and we have fought these battles before. We always get stronger and we always prevail. That is the love we carry, and the only kind we know.
Instead of just three words, I will tell you to follow your dreams; all the things you want to see and do and be and catch. I will chase these down with you and make them yours, because the butterflies of dreams we capture together, we can both admire forever.
My love will be in my hands, not merely in my words; as I reach for your hand to stroll through an empty field that is rustled bythe breezy stirrings of a summer wind,and we hand in hand, underneath the pin prick illuminations of a million tiny stars that we can call our own.
My love will be in my ears, not merely in my words; in listening toand not just hearingall the things you say and want and do in life. Making your dreams come true by listening tothem in full and conspiring to act on them with you when I fully understand.
My love will be in our picnics; in the tall, green grass of sun kissed parks; where children spin on a merry-go-round and their laughter is an approaching and receding wave of music to serenade us. My love will rest in those moments, quiet and serene; with your head on my chest and my fingers pushing back the silk of your hair so I can steal a kiss.
My love will be when I hold you tight during the dark black storms that shake and rattle our house; the thunder peeling off like cannon blasts and the wind a steady howl, but you and I wrapped close and safe in the couchcocoonof our always sturdy love. My love will be thatshelter where you can always go to find solace from the storms.
My love will be in my everything; in all the things I do and not just say to you. Because I always want to make it just a little bit easier for you to make it through the everything that you share with me.
What I mean to say is, even if I had no voice or we had no language or there was no sound, you would still know that I love you. And with every single movement of my heart seeking yours, you will know that loving you is not just a thing I say. It is a thing I do.
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